How to apply for ethics approval

Step 1: Prepare your application

All applications must be submitted electronically. The application form is a downloadable Microsoft Word document containing expandable cells into which you can easily enter the required information. For each project, the researcher must prepare an application containing the following:

  1. The application form
  2. The Research Summary (see below)
  3. The consent forms that will be used
  4. Any surveys, questionnaires, or interview questions that will be used
  5. Any advertisements that will be used to alert or attract research subjects
  6. Confidentiality agreements, if any, between the researcher and the funder or sponsor of the research

The Research Summary should contain the following information (use the headings provided):

  1. Purpose: the objectives of the study; its hypotheses (if any); why the study is needed
  2. Methodology: how the subjects will be chosen, how they will be contacted, and by whom; who will conduct the research and where; what the subjects will be asked to do; what data will be taken
  3. Consent: how informed consent will be obtained (Note: The REB requires parent/guardian consent for any research subject under 18 years of age who is not a registered student at Acadia University.)
  4. Debriefing: how the subjects will be debriefed following their participation
  5. Risks: any expected risks to the subjects and how such risks will be minimized
  6. Safety: if applicable, how the safety of subjects will be monitored
  7. Confidentiality: how the confidentiality of the subjects and data will be assured
  8. Compensation: how, if at all, the subjects will be compensated
  9. Deception: if deception will be used, why it is necessary

Note: Research involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada must conform to the requirements of TCPS2 Chapter 9, available at this link.

Step 2: Email your application

Send your application as a single Microsoft Word or PDF file by email attachment to at least three weeks before the Research Ethics Board meeting at which you want your research to be reviewed. (Consult the schedule of meetings.) Please note that on occasion the REB's meeting agenda becomes full before the three-week deadline has passed. Therefore, it is to your advantage to submit your application as early as possible.